Banded Report Options

Select which report bands to use

Here you can choose which report bands to include on your banded report. Simply check the checkbox to add the band to your report.

Available bands you can choose from:

When a band is selected, you can choose the default options for objects added to that band by editing the Format Band, Format Label, and Format Data Field options below.

Once you complete the report wizard you can edit the report in design mode. There you will have the ability to make further changes to the report bands. Simply, right-click on a band and select Edit to open the Band Properties Editor.

Banded Report Wizard with the Band Selection tab selected.  The Title Band, Page Header Band, Column Header Band, and Detail Band are selected to be included in the report.

Page Settings

Page Settings tab showing options such as Report Title, Paper Size, Page Margins, and Orientation.

This dialog box lets you give their report a title, specify how many columns you want on a page, and decide the orientation of the page.

To see an overview of the process for creating a new report, return to the beginning of the New Report Definition wizard.


Need More Help?

If you need additional help creating Banded Reports, refer to the Getting Started with Banded Reports page.